Source code for miraiml.pipeline

:mod:`miraiml.pipeline` contains a function that lets you build your own
pipeline classes. It also contains a few pre-defined pipelines for baselines.

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from miraiml.util import is_valid_pipeline_name
from miraiml.core import BasePipelineClass

[docs]def compose(steps): """ A function that defines pipeline classes dinamically. It builds a pipeline class that can be instantiated with particular parameters for each of its transformers/estimator without needing to call ``set_params`` as you would do with scikit-learn's Pipeline when performing hyperparameters optimizations. Similarly to scikit-learn's Pipeline, ``steps`` is a list of tuples containing an alias and the respective pipeline element. Although, since this function is a class factory, you shouldn't instantiate the transformer/estimator as you would do with scikit-learn's Pipeline. Thus, this is how :func:`compose` should be called: :: >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> from miraiml.pipeline import compose >>> MyPipelineClass = compose( ... steps = [ ... ('scaler', StandardScaler), # StandardScaler instead of StandardScaler() ... ('rfc', RandomForestClassifier) # No instantiation either ... ] ... ) And then, in order to instantiate ``MyPipelineClass`` with the desired parameters, you just need to refer to them as a concatenation of their respective class aliases and their names, separated by ``'__'``. :: >>> pipeline = MyPipelineClass(scaler__with_mean=False, rfc__max_depth=3) If you want to know which parameters you're allowed to play with, just call ``get_params``: :: >>> params = pipeline.get_params() >>> print("\\n".join(params)) scaler__with_mean scaler__with_std rfc__bootstrap rfc__class_weight rfc__criterion rfc__max_depth rfc__max_features rfc__max_leaf_nodes rfc__min_impurity_decrease rfc__min_impurity_split rfc__min_samples_leaf rfc__min_samples_split rfc__min_weight_fraction_leaf rfc__n_estimators rfc__n_jobs rfc__oob_score rfc__random_state rfc__verbose rfc__warm_start You can check the available methods for your instantiated pipelines on the documentation for :class:`miraiml.core.BasePipelineClass`, which is the class from which the composed classes inherit from. **The intended purpose** of such pipeline classes is that they can work as base models to build instances of :class:`miraiml.SearchSpace`. :: >>> from miraiml import SearchSpace >>> search_space = SearchSpace( ... id='MyPipelineClass', ... model_class=MyPipelineClass, ... parameters_values=dict( ... scaler__with_mean=[True, False], ... scaler__with_std=[True, False], ... rfc__max_depth=[3, 4, 5, 6] ... ) ... ) :type steps: list :param steps: The list of pairs (alias, class) to define the pipeline. .. warning:: Repeated aliases are not allowed and none of the aliases can start with numbers or contain ``'__'``. The classes used to compose a pipeline **must** implement ``get_params`` and ``set_params``, such as scikit-learn's classes, or :func:`compose` **will break**. :rtype: type :returns: The composed pipeline class :raises: ``TypeError`` if an alias is not a string. :raises: ``ValueError`` if an alias has an invalid name. :raises: ``NotImplementedError`` if some class of the pipeline does not implement the required methods. """ aliases = [] for alias, class_type in steps: if not isinstance(alias, str): raise TypeError('{} is not a string'.format(alias)) if not is_valid_pipeline_name(alias): raise ValueError('{} is not allowed for an alias'.format(alias)) class_content = dir(class_type) if 'fit' not in class_content: raise NotImplementedError('{} must implement fit'.format(class_type.__name__)) aliases.append(alias) if len(aliases) < len(steps): if 'transform' not in class_content: raise NotImplementedError( '{} must implement transform'.format(class_type.__name__) ) else: if 'predict' not in class_content and 'predict_proba' not in class_content: raise NotImplementedError( '{} must implement predict or predict_proba'.format(class_type.__name__) ) if len(set(aliases)) != len(aliases): raise ValueError('Repeated aliases are not allowed') return type('MiraiPipeline', (BasePipelineClass,), dict(steps=steps))
__initial_steps__ = [ ('ohe', OneHotEncoder), ('impute', SimpleImputer), ('min_max', MinMaxScaler) ]
[docs]class NaiveBayesBaseliner(compose(__initial_steps__ + [('naive', GaussianNB)])): """ This is a baseline pipeline for classification problems. It's composed by the following transformers/estimator: 1. ``sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder`` 2. ``sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer`` 3. ``sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler`` 4. ``sklearn.naive_bayes.GaussianNB`` The available parameters to tweak are: :: >>> from miraiml.pipeline import NaiveBayesBaseliner >>> for param in NaiveBayesBaseliner().get_params(): ... print(param) ... ohe__categorical_features ohe__categories ohe__drop ohe__dtype ohe__handle_unknown ohe__n_values ohe__sparse impute__add_indicator impute__fill_value impute__missing_values impute__strategy impute__verbose min_max__feature_range naive__priors naive__var_smoothing """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs]class LinearRegressionBaseliner(compose(__initial_steps__ + [('lin_reg', LinearRegression)])): """ This is a baseline pipeline for regression problems. It's composed by the following transformers/estimator: 1. ``sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder`` 2. ``sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer`` 3. ``sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler`` 4. ``sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression`` The available parameters to tweak are: :: >>> from miraiml.pipeline import LinearRegressionBaseliner >>> for param in LinearRegressionBaseliner().get_params(): ... print(param) ... ohe__categorical_features ohe__categories ohe__drop ohe__dtype ohe__handle_unknown ohe__n_values ohe__sparse impute__add_indicator impute__fill_value impute__missing_values impute__strategy impute__verbose min_max__feature_range lin_reg__fit_intercept lin_reg__n_jobs lin_reg__normalize """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()