User Guide


Mirai: future in japanese.

MiraiML is an asynchronous engine for continuous & autonomous machine learning, built for real-time usage.

  • It’s asynchronous because it runs in background, allowing you to execute custom Python code as you interact with the engine;
  • It’s continuous because it can run “forever”, always looking for solutions that can achieve better performances;
  • It’s autonomous because it does not wander on the search space blindly and does not perform exhaustive grid searches. Instead, it combines past attempts to guide its next steps, always allowing itself to jump out of local minima.

MiraiML improves the chosen metric by searching good hyperparameters and sets of features for base statistical models, whilst finding smart ways to combine the predictions of those models in order to achieve even higher scores.

But how can MiraiML help me? And how does it even work?

We’re going to address these questions on the next subsections.

MiraiML usability

Tired of coding the same grid searches, cross-validations, training and predicting scripts over and over? I was. MiraiML does it all with a simple API, so you can spend less time on such mechanical tasks. MiraiML works on the typical train/test scenario, when the data can fit in the RAM. Let’s explore the API from a bottom-up perspective.

The basic usage flow is represented in the image below:

Search spaces

MiraiML requires that you define the search spaces in which it will look for solution candidates. In order to instantiate a search space, you need to use the miraiml.SearchSpace class. A search space is a combination of an id, a model class and a dictionary of hyperparameters values to be tested. The only requirement is that the model class must implement a fit method as well as a predict method for regression problems or a predict_proba for classification problems. For instance, you can use scikit-learn’s models:

>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>>> from miraiml import SearchSpace

>>> search_space = SearchSpace(
...     id = 'Linear Regression',
...     model_class = LinearRegression,
...     parameters_values = dict(
...         fit_intercept = [True, False],
...         normalize = [True, False]
...     )
... )

miraiml.SearchSpace also allows you to provide a parameters_rules function to deal with prohibitive combinations of hyperparameters. Please refer to its documentation for further understanding.

After you’ve defined your search spaces, the next step is building the configuration object.


The configuration for MiraiML’s Engine is defined by an instance of the miraiml.Config class, which tells the Engine where to save its local files (checkpoints), the problem type, the function to score the candidate solutions, the search spaces that should be used and a few other things. For instance:

>>> from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
>>> from miraiml import Config

>>> config = Config(
...     local_dir = 'miraiml_local',
...     problem_type = 'regression',
...     score_function = r2_score,
...     search_spaces = [search_space]
... )

Alright, now we’re all set to use the Engine.

The Engine

miraiml.Engine provides a straightforward interface to access its functionalities. The instantiation only requires a configuration object:

>>> from miraiml import Engine

>>> engine = Engine(config)


You can also provide a on_improvement function that will be executed everytime the engine finds a better modeling solution. Check out the API documentation for more information.

Let’s use scikit-learn’s classic California Housing dataset as an example:

>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
>>> import pandas as pd

>>> X, y = fetch_california_housing(return_X_y=True)
>>> data = pd.DataFrame(X)
>>> data['target'] = y

>>> engine.load_train_data(train_data=data, target_column='target')

After the training data is loaded, you can trigger the optimization process with:

>>> engine.restart()

And to interrupt it:

>>> engine.interrupt()

The miraiml.Engine documentation contains the full set of functionalities that are available for you.

MiraiML internals

MiraiML works in cycles. In each cycle, the Engine tries to find better solutions for each search space and for the ensemble. There are three main concepts at play here:

  • Base models represent solutions in the search space
  • Mirai Seeker manages the walk through the search spaces
  • Ensembler attempts weighted combinations of base models

Base models

Fit, predict and validate with a single button.

Base models are the fundamental bricks of the optimization process. A base model is a combination of a model class, a set of parameters and a set of features.

Base models implement a versatile method for predictions, which return predictions for the training data and for the testing data, as well as the score achieved on the training data.

The mechanics of this process is similar to a cross-validation, with a slight difference: the final score is not the mean score of each fold. Instead, the array of predictions is built iteratively and then fully compared to the target column. More precisely:

  1. Filter training and testing features
  2. Split the training data in N folds
  3. For each fold:
    • Train the model on the bigger part
    • Make predictions for the smaller part
    • Make predictions for the testing dataset
  4. Compute the score for the entire column of predictions on the training dataset
  5. Compute the average of the predictions for the testing dataset

Averaging the predictions for the testing dataset may result in slightly better accuracies than expected.


Pipelines can be used as base models when you want to test various ways of pre-processing your data before fitting it with an estimator.

If that’s your case, please check out the miraiml.pipeline module.

Mirai Seeker

There can be too many base models in the search space and we may not be able to afford exhausive searches. Thus, a smart strategy to search good base models is mandatory.

The engine registers optimization attempts on dataframes called histories. These dataframes have columns for each hyperparameter and each feature, as well as a column for the reported scores. The values of the hyperparameters’ columns are the values of the hyperparameters themselves. The values of the features’ columns are either 0 or 1, which indicate whether the features were used or not. An example of history dataframe for a K-NN classifier with three registries would be:

Hyperparameters Features
n_neighbors weights age gender score
3 ‘uniform’ 1 0 0.82
2 ‘distance’ 0 1 0.76
4 ‘uniform’ 1 1 0.84

As the history grows, it can be used to generate potentially good base models for future optimization attempts. Currently, the available strategies to create base models are:

  • Random

    Generates a completely random base model.

  • Naive

    The naive strategy iterates over the history columns (except the score) and groups the data by the current column values using the mean aggregation function on the score column. Each value present on the current column can be chosen with a probability that is proportional to the mean score from the group by aggregation.

    For instance, if we aggregate the history dataframe above by the column age, the mean score of attempts in which the feature age was chosen is 0.83 and the mean score of the attempts in which the feature age was not chosen is 0.76. Now, we choose to use age on the next base model with a probability that’s proportional to 0.83 and we choose not to with a probability that’s proportional to 0.76.

    It’s called Naive because it assumes the strong hypothesis that the columns of history dataframes affect the score independently.

  • Linear Regression

    Uses a simple linear regression to model the score as a function of the other history columns. Categorical columns are processed with One-Hot-Encoding. This strategy makes n/2 guesses and chooses the best guess according to the linear regression model, where n is the size of the history dataframe.

The strategy is chosen stochastically according to the following priority rule:

The random strategy will be chosen with a probability of 0.5. If it’s not, the other strategies will be chosen with equal probabilities.


It is possible to combine the predictions of various base models in order to reach even higher scores. This process is done by computing a straightforward linear combination of the base models’ predictions.

More precisely, suppose we have a set of base models. For each base model \(i\), let \(tr_i\) and \(ts_i\) be its predictions for the training and testing dataset, respectively. The ensemble of the base models is based on a set of coefficients \(w\) (weights), for which we can compute the combined predictions \(E_{tr}\) and \(E_{ts}\) for the training and testing datasets, respectively, according to the formula:

\[(E_{tr}, E_{ts}) = \left(\frac{\sum w_i tr_i}{\sum w_i}, \frac{\sum w_i ts_i}{\sum w_i}\right)\]

With a smart choice of \(w\), the score for \(E_{tr}\) may be better than the score of any \(tr_i\).

Now, the obvious question is: how to find a good \(w\)? This is where the concept of ensembling cycles comes into play.

An ensembling cycle is an attempt to generate good weights stochastically, based on the the score of each base model individually. This is done by using triangular distributions.

The weight of the best base model is drawn from the triangular distribution that varies from 0 to 1, with mode 1.

For every other base model \(i\) (not a base model with the highest score), the weight is drawn from a triangular distribution that varies from 0 to range, with mode 0. It means that its weight will most likely be close to 0 and its upperbound is defined by the range variable.

The value of range should depend on the relative score of the base model. But preventing it from reaching 1 would be too prohibitive. A solution for this is: range is chosen from a triangular distribution that varies from 0 to 1, with mode normalized. The variable normalized measures the relative quality of the base model.

The value of normalized is computed by the formula \((s_i-s_\textrm{min})/ (s_\textrm{max}-s_\textrm{min})\), where \(s_i\) is the score of the base model and \(s_\textrm{min}\) and \(s_\textrm{max}\) are the scores of the worst and the best base models, respectively.

In the end, bad base models can still influence the ensemble, but their probabilities of having high weights are relatively low.

The number of ensembling cycles depend on the time consumed by the other models. The current rule is:

The time consumed by the ensemble is limited by the total time consumed by all base models, on average.


The score of the Ensemble may decrease when the engine finds a better base model and updates its predictions.

Optimization workflow

The optimization cycle starts by looking for better base models for each search space. Mirai Seeker is responsible for keeping track of old base models attempts in order to provide good guesses for new attempts. If a better base model is found for some search space, the ensembler output is updated with the new predictions. Then, after a new solution is attempted for each search space, the Engine executes the ensembling cycles, looking for better ensembling weights.

Wrapping it all up, the following diagram represents the workflow within an optimization loop: