Source code for miraiml.core

:mod:`miraiml.core` contains internal classes responsible for the optimization

import random as rnd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import os

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from miraiml.util import load, dump, sample_random_len

[docs]class BaseModel: """ Represents an element from the search space, defined by an instance of :class:`miraiml.SearchSpace` and a set of features. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <base_model>`. :type model_class: type :param model_class: A statistical model class that must implement the methods ``fit`` and ``predict`` for regression or ``predict_proba`` classification problems. :type parameters: dict :param parameters: The parameters that will be used to instantiate objects of ``model_class``. :type features: list :param features: The list of features that will be used to train the statistical model. """ def __init__(self, model_class, parameters, features): self.model_class = model_class self.parameters = parameters self.features = features
[docs] def predict(self, X_train, y_train, X_test, config): """ Performs the predictions for the training and testing datasets and also computes the score of the model. :type X_train: pandas.DataFrame :param X_train: The dataframe that contains the training inputs for the model. :type y_train: pandas.Series or numpy.ndarray :param y_train: The training targets for the model. :type X_test: pandas.DataFrame :param X_test: The dataframe that contains the testing inputs for the model. :type config: miraiml.Config :param config: The configuration of the engine. :rtype: tuple :returns: ``(train_predictions, test_predictions, score)`` * ``train_predictions``: The predictions for the training dataset * ``test_predictions``: The predictions for the testing dataset * ``score``: The score of the model on the training dataset :raises: ``RuntimeError`` when fitting or predicting doesn't work. """ X_train = X_train[self.features] train_predictions = np.zeros(X_train.shape[0]) test_predictions = None if X_test is not None: X_test = X_test[self.features] test_predictions = np.zeros(X_test.shape[0]) if config.problem_type == 'classification' and config.stratified: fold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=config.n_folds, shuffle=False) elif config.problem_type == 'regression' or not config.stratified: fold = KFold(n_splits=config.n_folds, shuffle=False) for big_part, small_part in fold.split(X_train, y_train): X_train_big, y_train_big = X_train.iloc[big_part], y_train.iloc[big_part] X_train_small = X_train.iloc[small_part] model = self.model_class(**self.parameters) class_name = self.model_class.__name__ try:, y_train_big) except Exception: raise RuntimeError('Error when fitting with model class {}'.format(class_name)) try: if config.problem_type == 'classification': train_predictions[small_part] = model.predict_proba(X_train_small)[:, 1] if X_test is not None: test_predictions += model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] elif config.problem_type == 'regression': train_predictions[small_part] = model.predict(X_train_small) if X_test is not None: test_predictions += model.predict(X_test) except Exception: raise RuntimeError('Error when predicting with model class {}'.format( class_name )) if X_test is not None: test_predictions /= config.n_folds return (train_predictions, test_predictions, config.score_function(y_train, train_predictions))
[docs]def dump_base_model(base_model, path): """ Saves the characteristics of a base model as a checkpoint. :type base_model: miraiml.core.BaseModel :param base_model: The base model to be saved :type path: str :param path: The path to save the base model :rtype: tuple :returns: ``(train_predictions, test_predictions, score)`` """ attributes = dict(parameters=base_model.parameters, features=base_model.features) dump(attributes, path)
[docs]def load_base_model(model_class, path): """ Loads the characteristics of a base model from disk and returns its respective instance of :class:`miraiml.core.BaseModel`. :type model_class: type :param model_class: The model class related to the base model :type path: str :param path: The path to load the base model from :rtype: miraiml.core.BaseModel :returns: The base model loaded from disk """ attributes = load(path) return BaseModel(model_class=model_class, parameters=attributes['parameters'], features=attributes['features'])
[docs]class MiraiSeeker: """ This class implements a smarter way of searching good parameters and sets of features. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mirai_seeker>`. :param base_models_ids: The list of base models' ids to keep track of. :type base_models_ids: list :param all_features: A list containing all available features. :type all_features: list :param config: The configuration of the engine. :type config: miraiml.Config """ def __init__(self, search_spaces, all_features, config): self.all_features = all_features self.config = config histories_path = config.local_dir + 'histories/' if not os.path.exists(histories_path): os.makedirs(histories_path) self.search_spaces_dict = {} self.histories = {} self.histories_paths = {} for search_space in search_spaces: id = self.search_spaces_dict[id] = search_space self.histories_paths[id] = histories_path + id if os.path.exists(self.histories_paths[id]): self.histories[id] = load(self.histories_paths[id]) else: self.histories[id] = pd.DataFrame() dump(self.histories[id], self.histories_paths[id])
[docs] def reset(self): """ Deletes all base models registries. """ for id in self.search_spaces_dict: self.histories[id] = pd.DataFrame() dump(self.histories[id], self.histories_paths[id])
[docs] def parameters_features_to_dataframe(self, parameters, features, score): """ Creates an entry for a history. :type parameters: dict :param parameters: The set of parameters to transform. :type parameters: list :param parameters: The set of features to transform. :type score: float :param score: The score to transform. """ entry = {'score': score} for parameter in parameters: entry[parameter+'__(hyperparameter)'] = parameters[parameter] for feature in self.all_features: entry[feature+'__(feature)'] = 1 if feature in features else 0 return pd.DataFrame([entry])
[docs] def register_base_model(self, id, base_model, score): """ Registers the performance of a base model and its characteristics. :type id: str :param id: The id associated with the base model. :type base_model: miraiml.core.BaseModel :param base_model: The base model being registered. :type score: float :param score: The score of ``base_model``. """ new_entry = self.parameters_features_to_dataframe( base_model.parameters, base_model.features, score) self.histories[id] = pd.concat([self.histories[id], new_entry], sort=True) self.histories[id].drop_duplicates(inplace=True) dump(self.histories[id], self.histories_paths[id])
[docs] def is_ready(self, id): """ Tells whether the history of an id is large enough for more advanced strategies or not. :type id: str :param id: The id to be inspected. :rtype: bool :returns: Whether ``id`` can be used to generate parameters and features lists or not. """ return self.histories[id].shape[0] > 1
[docs] def seek(self, id): """ Manages the search strategy for better solutions. With a probability of 0.5, the random strategy will be chosen. If it's not, the other strategies will be chosen with equal probabilities. :type id: str :param id: The id for which a new base model is required. :rtype: miraiml.core.BaseModel :returns: The next base model for exploration. :raises: ``KeyError`` if ``parameters_rules`` tries to access an invalid key. """ if rnd.choice([0, 1]) == 1 or not self.is_ready(id): parameters, features = self.random_search(id) else: available_method_names = [method_name for method_name in dir(self) if method_name.endswith('_search') and method_name != 'random_search'] method_name = rnd.choice(available_method_names) parameters, features = getattr(self, method_name)(id) search_space = self.search_spaces_dict[id] if len(parameters) > 0: try: search_space.parameters_rules(parameters) except Exception: raise KeyError('Error on parameters rules for the id {}'.format(id)) model_class = search_space.model_class return BaseModel(model_class, parameters, features)
@staticmethod def __dataframe_to_parameters_features__(dataframe): """ Transforms a history entry in a pair of parameters and features. :type dataframe: pandas.DataFrame :param dataframe: The history entry to be transformed, :rtype: tuple :returns: ``(parameters, features)``. The transformed sets of parameters and features, respectively. """ parameters = {} features = [] for column in dataframe.columns: if column == 'score': continue column_filtered = column.split('__(')[0] value = dataframe[column].values[0] if column.endswith('__(hyperparameter)'): parameters[column_filtered] = value elif column.endswith('__(feature)'): if value: features.append(column_filtered) return (parameters, features)
[docs]class Ensembler: """ Performs the ensemble of the base models and optimizes its weights. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ensemble>`. :type y_train: pandas.Series or numpy.ndarray :param y_train: The target column. :type base_models_ids: list :param base_models_ids: The list of base models' ids to keep track of. :type train_predictions_df: pandas.DataFrame :param train_predictions_df: The dataframe of predictions for the training dataset. :type test_predictions_df: pandas.DataFrame :param test_predictions_df: The dataframe of predictions for the testing dataset. :type scores: dict :param scores: The dictionary of scores. :type config: miraiml.Config :param config: The configuration of the engine. """ def __init__(self, base_models_ids, y_train, train_predictions_df, test_predictions_df, scores, config): self.y_train = y_train self.base_models_ids = sorted(base_models_ids) self.train_predictions_df = train_predictions_df self.test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df self.scores = scores self.config = config = config.ensemble_id self.weights_path = config.local_dir + 'models/' + self.must_interrupt = False if os.path.exists(self.weights_path): self.weights = load(self.weights_path) else: self.weights = self.gen_weights() dump(self.weights, self.weights_path)
[docs] def interrupt(self): """ Sets an internal flag to interrupt the optimization process on the first opportunity. """ self.must_interrupt = True
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the ensemble with the newest predictions from the base models. """ train_predictions, test_predictions, score = self.ensemble(self.weights) self.train_predictions_df[] = train_predictions self.test_predictions_df[] = test_predictions self.scores[] = score
[docs] def gen_weights(self): """ Generates the ensemble weights according to the score of each base model. Higher scores have higher chances of generating higher weights. :rtype: dict :returns: A dictionary containing the weights for each base model id. """ weights = {} if len(self.scores) > 0: min_score, max_score = np.inf, -np.inf for id in self.base_models_ids: score = self.scores[id] min_score = min(min_score, score) max_score = max(max_score, score) diff_score = max_score - min_score for id in self.base_models_ids: if self.scores[id] == max_score: weights[id] = rnd.triangular(0, 1, 1) else: normalized_score = (self.scores[id]-min_score)/diff_score range_ = rnd.triangular(0, 1, normalized_score) weights[id] = rnd.triangular(0, range_, 0) else: for id in self.base_models_ids: weights[id] = 1 return weights
[docs] def ensemble(self, weights): """ Performs the ensemble of the current predictions of each base model. :type weights: dict :param weights: A dictionary containing the weights related to the id of each base model. :rtype: tuple :returns: ``(train_predictions, test_predictions, score)`` * ``train_predictions``: The ensemble predictions for the training dataset * ``test_predictions``: The ensemble predictions for the testing dataset * ``score``: The score of the ensemble on the training dataset """ weights_list = [weights[id] for id in self.base_models_ids] train_predictions = np.average( self.train_predictions_df[self.base_models_ids], axis=1, weights=weights_list) test_predictions = None if self.test_predictions_df.shape[0] > 0: test_predictions = np.average( self.test_predictions_df[self.base_models_ids], axis=1, weights=weights_list) return (train_predictions, test_predictions, self.config.score_function(self.y_train, train_predictions))
[docs] def optimize(self, max_duration): """ Performs ensembling cycles for ``max_duration`` seconds. :type max_duration: float :param max_duration: The maximum duration allowed for the optimization process. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if a better set of weights was found and ``False`` otherwise. """ optimized = False start = time.time() while time.time() - start < max_duration and not self.must_interrupt: weights = self.gen_weights() train_predictions, test_predictions, score = self.ensemble(weights) if not in self.scores or score > self.scores[]: self.scores[] = score self.weights = weights self.train_predictions_df[] = train_predictions self.test_predictions_df[] = test_predictions dump(self.weights, self.weights_path) optimized = True else: del weights, train_predictions, test_predictions return optimized
[docs]class BasePipelineClass: """ This is the base class for your custom pipeline classes. .. warning:: Instantiating this class directly **does not work**. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.pipeline = Pipeline( # self.steps has been set from outside at this point! [(alias, class_type()) for (alias, class_type) in self.steps] ) self.set_params(**params)
[docs] def get_params(self): """ Gets the list of parameters that can be set. :type X: iterable :param X: Data to predict on. :rtype: list :returns: The list of allowed parameters """ params = [param for param in self.pipeline.get_params() if 'copy' not in param] prefixes = [alias + '__' for alias, _ in self.steps] return [param for param in params if any([param.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes])]
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Sets the parameters for the pipeline. You can check the parameters that are allowed to be set by calling :func:`get_params`. :rtype: miraiml.core.BasePipelineClass :returns: self """ allowed_params = self.get_params() for param in params: if param not in allowed_params: raise ValueError( 'Parameter ' + param + ' is incompatible. The allowed ' + 'parameters are:\n' + ', '.join(allowed_params) ) self.pipeline.set_params(**params) return self
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits the pipeline to ``X`` using ``y`` as the target. :type X: iterable :param X: The training data. :type y: iterable :param y: The target. :rtype: miraiml.core.BasePipelineClass :returns: self """, y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Predicts the class for each element of ``X`` in case of classification problems or the estimated target value in case of regression problems. :type X: iterable :param X: Data to predict on. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :returns: The set of predictions """ return self.pipeline.predict(X)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Returns the probabilities for each class. Available only if your end estimator implements it. :type X: iterable :param X: Data to predict on. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :returns: The probabilities for each class """ return self.pipeline.predict_proba(X)